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Immigrate to Canada as a Permanent Resident; My experience, process to get yours and much more.

After guiding few of my friends through the whole procedure, I can now successfully guide anyone in my sleep on how to move to Canada as a Permanent Resident. Thought it was about time I use some of my day job skills as a UI developer to get the information out to everyone. Immigrating to Canada as a Permanent Resident has put my immigration problems to an end which seemed like a never ending journey in the US. I love USA, I built my career there, made some amazing friends who are like family now, but there is a threshold limit for how much a person can tolerate a life as a non-immigrant in the US. Most of the information provided here is per my experience of immigrating to Canada from the US, but has relevant general information for other countries too.

Seeing the rise in interest towards Canada especially from my fellow brothers and sisters in IT industry, cheers to your future step that I hope will only be what you dreamt of moving to a first world country!

Follow the sequence and you should have your Confirmation of Permanent Residence(COPR) within 6 months*

Let's begin!

Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score

Start by understanding your Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score and the factors that help you outnumber candidates.

Now, calculate your Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score to know where you rank in the Express Entry pool. Official CRS calculator.

Alright, moving on to my suggested sequence and actual procedure to get your Canadian Permanent Residence within 6 months*.

The whole process is designed by IRCC in such a way that there is absolutely no requirement for a consultant or a lawyer. You can find all the information on the official Government of Canada website or many other websites/blogs like mine and helpful strangers posting their inputs to confused applicants in various dedicated forums here. Unless you have unavoidable complicacies with personal factors involved and need the right answers, do not waste your money.

*Conditions apply, of course! 6 months countdown starts after you submit your application to IRCC.